Sunday, December 29, 2019

Episode 265

Episode 265
~Soul Companion~
Life is to be embraced fully in how we live it. In this we seek to discover companions who embrace life with us in a deep and harmonious manner. This desire to find our soul mate often blinds us to not to see how to balance the real relationship from the ideal one...The sense of feeling each other at a different level among Arnav and Khushi made them true companions, two star-crossed soul mates who can feel each other's presence among barriers. This connection has always been there, almost since the beginning. even when there was just hate between them. In fact , their relationship had started with hate, so much hate that it created a bond between them. The hate kept growing and one day "Nafrat bhi sharma jaati hain or sirf ek bandhan rah jaata hain".[The hate is ashamed of Love ]...But that bond was so strong that it keep pulling them towards each other. Their labyrinthine love connects them through an infinite string of dreams, hopes, passion, desire, needs, longing, comfort, safety, and love.
Was it attraction?..., was it destiny or just a subconscious recognition that the other person is your soul mate? Destiny got them together, hate created a division between them but love kept them together. Nafrat pass aane na de, mohabbat door jaaane na de...but today it was only love, pure love acknowledged to oneself and declared to the other that was between them. It was only love that was existing between them which finally brought them together.

Scorpion is a symbol of control, decisiveness , sex and short term passion and that's why Scorpions share very short term relation with their mate and prefer to be alone

Khushi , who she was bereft for Arnav & clue about his well being., fnally finds the man having the  Scorpion Tattoo on his hand  in LakshmiNagar, near her home ... She zealously yet impatiently follows him  to reach to her Arnavji and gets caught by getting smacked on her head really hard...She  carried to the hide out where Arnav is kept .She was lying down unconscious right next to the cell where Arnav was sitting  collapsed in his ways out...

She wakes up in the dark basement with fuzziness & unclearness about her whereabouts  where Arnav,  behind the wall is suffering also, he is sad, tired, unsure about his situation with low hopes, confused mind , yet thinking on unfortunate situation he is in while sitting by the wall like a lost lone soldier and so does she on the other side. A gust of wind makes her halt in her path and  she immediately senses  the presence of Arnav  while on the other side Arnav also senses the aroma of Khushi ...Both gets startled and jolted in the desperation to know whether they are hallucinating or feeling for real. ...Both look around for confirming their finding...The expressions and the actions for portraying these feelings were done marvelously by Barun and Sanaya .

"I've been fighting to be who I am all my life. What's the point of being who I am, if I can't have the person who was worth all the fighting for?" 


He feels her in the air he breathes which is tingling with his essence. His heartbeat picks up her beat and then he places his hand on the wall, she too keeps her hand on that very same spot...hey hey snuggles in between them.. Loved the hands placement here as if the magnets are pulling each other . The precious moments of their innocent bond flashes across, reminding them that love is pure, it is not selfish, it doesn't harbor jealousy and is not vain. First Rabba Ve when The door of his heart opened vehemently seeing stunning beauty by losing the first cluster of a seas shell  for the wind chime which she collected in her embrace...The moments of care, that brought them together with colors of their unshackled desires during Rangoli which led him to touch her , to embrace her with Payal ...but in between these memories She feels hope that he will find her and embrace her in his protective shell as he did in Nainital and in hospital and will kiss away all of her worries with his Love that way she felt during Diwali... all delicately woven to create a beautiful tapestry of their winding, rocky, breath-taking, yet infinite journey of love so far in these clusters of Windchime which was rocking in between them right now as always.

"Humain aisa kyuon lag raha hai keh Arnavji yahin kahin hain..."A Revivified thought that their respective partners might be on the other side of the wall , inflames the ardor , a desperation to see each other.Both of them with fervent spirits start searching for the tools to bring down the barrier  preventing their union ...Both get perplexed for the moment but the vehemence within gets more inflamed when  Arnav who had  been running around  gets halts  hearing her Whispers   'Arnavji' . That soothes his burning heart with a cool breeze and he turns towards the source of the sound ...Hope enveloped with  pessimism  and longing makes Arnav calls out her name"Khushi...", her name which is becoming his strength ,his reason of living ,his reason of happiness as always. Khushi hears her name ,The voice that she was seeking for in her longing for days ,with hopes by putting all  the shadows of failure  into her thoughts  is finally found !!
 Khushi runs towards the sound , like a  child that has found its haven, unfortunately, runs into the wall but sits there with confidence that her Arnavji will find her , will embrace her, will remove the barrier.He breathes out her name again with uncertainty but with a small smile of joy & the next moment he understands and feels  her flowing tears... She awaits  while the impatient Arnav who knows that his Happiness is on the other side of the  wall is getting highly agitated ...when he notices the window of hope and instructs Khushi to reach him,"Khushi Upar ki taraf Dekho , Ventillator hai".[Khushi look up , there is a ventilator...]... Khushi is his equal and she does not need  any lessons "Hann...Humain dikhi..ek minute  "...[Yes , I saw...just one minute...]...The  idea of seeing him provides her with the wings and she flies around and finds a table to reach him while Arnav does the same on his part...& a beautiful moment when they see each other, SI was fantastic here, I must say for the first time I felt she out shown BS here today.
Just clasping the edges of the fingers, Khushi reaching out to him first .Their eyes  look into each other, their souls  get engaged  in a blissful talk ...Their hands start moving towards each other,fingers entwine and both souls intertwined by holding on to one another, accepting each other and being one! The small plant which Khushi entwined in his care for his love has grown into the strong tree of Love and Care,

Khushi, who deserves this to know, because, One day Arnav had left it saying, yahan na sahi shayad kahin ek duniya hogi, jahan main aur tum kabhia lag nahi honge[There will be another world where only you and I will be...]
and left with unsaid...
"Jab Jab jo bura kaha uska koi matalab nahi, jab jo bura kiya uska koi matlab nahi, Iss Pyaar mein sahi aur galat ka koi matlab nahi, bas ek cheez ka matalab hai ki main hamesha hamesha tumse...[Whetever I said bad had no meaning...Whetever I did had no meaning...There is nothing wrong or right in this Love...Only thing which matters the most is that I always...with you..]

"Humne aapko dhoond liya" [Finally I have found you]says Khushi... Arnav nods in response and agrees with gladness in his voice, "Haan dhoond liya! Tum ne" [yes , u have found me...]..He was a lonely soul all his life, and the past week drove the loneliness further - memories of him hurting Khushi deepened the impact of anger he felt with himself. But now here she was, in front of him, she had come to find him, she was only worried about him, each of her tears had his name in them, she had accepted him in her life and he knew it. They take in each other, the love between them tangible, the relief of seeing each other displayed in their eyes, the desire to be on the same side beside one another exhibits itself. She surrenders to him,leaning towards him, finding her heaven within him .Her tears of joy flow by their own accord!! Arnav responds to the unspoken question, assures her ,"Khushi !I'm fine..." which is rejected emphatically by his stubborn wife who is ready to rumble for lying to her..."Nahin aap Theeek nahin hain tum bhi aur ab bhi...apne hum se jhoot kyuon bola.."...[No you are not ok...then and even now..Why did you lie to me...]

Khushi,who was quiet all this time just seems can't stop her rambling as always When she is upset, talking is her way out"agar hum chup hon to lagta hai ke sari duniya chup o gaye hai" [It seems the whole world is quiet if I am quiet...]...and she wants her world to be alive and enlighten by her Arnavji,by people she adore, who is her world.Arnav listens to her verbal yet caring admonishing with a smile .He was happy seeing her worrying over him .It was soothing for his burning heart  by dropping  all  the shackles of tiredness and untying the chains that had kept him tied to the darkness away from this Love .. 
Arnav  makes her calm down by diverting her attention, telling her that he needs to break this barrier ,this  separation in between them. Khushi refused to leave his side even for a second and firmly holds on to him by intertwined his fingers in between his. She makes her intention very clear to the great Laad Governor that he dare not leave her hand or else...and who said Arnav Singh Raizada is not afraid of anyone...He doesn't want to get yelled at again  by his petite Lioness either.So He gives her his confirmation by holding her hand in between his both with all the tenderness he has and makes her clear that he is here with her but he has to break the wall so that he can come to her side...Yes he has to break the wall of his insecure feelings of his past to be with her for forever.She comprehends his motive and tries pulling the barrier with him. ... But A concerned and a loving husband does not like his fragile and petite wife to tackle this hazardous task and my my my how  tenderly commands her to get off the table.He adjures her to take care of herself and wait for him... Khushi descends and assures  Arnav that she is safe .[3 feet table..seriously...I climb bigger than that and no one cares...]

  Khushi is unwilling to let go of Arnav's hand... she has lost him too many times, and now that she has witnessed his acceptance of her she is scared to lose him again. It took me right back to the terrace-suicide scene, where Arnav was unwilling to let go off Khushi after he saved her from committing suicide. Equals at every stage...

The light goes off on Khushi's side when she settles down, and her childhood phobia, "Andhere se dar" haunts her , I found it really touching as... Arnav's face shows concerns that his dear wife is scared of darkness while he is trying to break off the grill ...she calls out to Arnav to restore confidence  in herself,.. and Arnav's encouraging voice comes floating right back at her"main yahin hoon Khushi...", assuring  her that even in that darkest times , he is standing by her, is fighting  against a brute strength monster for her ...because she will remember this when lights will go off in RM and Shyam will bring candle..she will repeat this "I wasn't afraid when I was with Arnavji.."
Arnav's protective instinct comes into action against kidnapper to fight for her just like in Nainital...At that time he had no idea why did he do that but today she is his life, he has a RIGHT and responsibility to do so.

The kidnapper brings her food and reminds her of the "hit" which he gave her before bringing her here. Murderous rage runs through his veins  as he realizes that the creep had touched his  Khushi, the woman he treasures . When Khushi comes up to his level, he scolds at her angrily by demanding the reason for her to come to such a low place..."kya Zaroorat thi...agar tumhain kuch ho jata to..."...A smile of pure joy embezzles Khushi's face  as she sees her Arnavji's true caring and loving side behind tis anger... The search of her eyes for the ocean of love comes to halt wit peace...she has found her family in him...She has found her home, her heavens in this man in front of her who hurts her, who scolds  at her, yet fights  for her.She wants to dwell in the arms of this man who can take on the world for one smile on her face,  who puts her life in front of his in the line of  fire.
His anger only amuses her by showing his possessive side of him which she adores  but infuriates him as he demands to know the reason behind her smile.."Mukura kyuon rahi ho..."[What's so funny?] by finding his outburst funny.
There was a time when Khushi failed to recognize the reason behind his anger. There was a time when Arnav's frustration only provoked her to irritate him out of his depths. But now unconsciously , she recognizes and understands the love that is hidden behind his outburst , her next words "Itne din jo ho gaye  aapki daant ko suna" ...says a lot. It hasn't registered to her mind yet, but her heart recognizes his care, concern, and love behind his anger. Today Sundari has found her Shaitan and Rajkumar in this man. Her love for him wraps itself around him, accepting him whole-heartedly.Arnav can't deny this fact also and can read her love and concern for him in her eyes... a soft smile peeps in over his face and he raises his second hand to intertwine with the grill with the desire to hold her in his embrace when she mingles her wish with him by clasping her fingers with him.and he complies with it"Mujhe uss taraf aana hoga" ...Yes he has no choice but roping her with him as she gets the rope and tries to complete the circle of eternity.Now both ends are in his hands now to accept or reject as his practical brin comes in action and he asks.."Khushi tumhe kaise pata chala ki main mushkil mein hoon?" - A question that leaves Khushi stumped for now,.."haan wo apne phone kiya aur.." yes and open this communication door for us...
All pretenses, inhibitions, pain, and doubts didn't dare to come in between Khushi-Arnav at any moment. A scene to treasure, where Arnav responds genuinely to the voice of his love. The touch of his fingers with the look of love in his eyes with extreme  care and concern touched her soul and echoed his love in every chamber of her heart today.
Heartbeats were one and but today their souls became one.
Other Note:Payal- Akaash scene significance? does it hint at something more than what meets the eye? Lucknow was mentioned as was Payal.. (note: she didnt introduce herself as Payal singh Raizada)

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