Dhaar...Blade's edge
I always get stuck in NK's words as these words have a meaning. He calls Arnav and asks him "ye konsi dhaar hai..." he wanted to say what kind of wire is this but he says...what kind of blade's edge is this...
Arnav corrects him while that do taari talwar,[sword] Shyam is in the background...I was so happy to see the return of Harward brain but it cuts short just like Shyam cuts the camera's wires, I was surprised no one saw it before...and Arnav threw it away without investigating further what this wire for?? I think he remembers nothing these days except Khushi

NK's words So sach hain wo mooch hai...[ whatever is the truth have a disguise]
now make sense,

when I saw Shyam with mustache and disguise...
electrician and do dhaari wire.It is ironic that he was never got caught but as NK mentioned it Arnav did get alert and when Shyam without any fear was roaming around, Arnav went straight to his sister's room.The other night of Roca he did feel someone but never investigated but today he did...Asked his sister who was wishing a hell for herself and the the blade of time was ready to cut the beautiful part of her life...her motherhood for which she was getting ready, she is happy and there is no doubt the beauty of a mother was reflecting from her face.Red avatar, like a bride, she was blooming.A motherhood is the best phase of a woman...Arnav alerted the security so the electrician is out and now w are waiting for Dhol wala...pairon main bhandan hai...I was thinking why did they choose this song,hmm, now understood why?

Shyam is the blockage of Anjali's thoughts, with his two-time thoughts, acts he had pretty much disguised himself well enough among all but one blade Khushi is ready to cut him and the other blade Arnav is the hurdle in his plans...pairon main bandhan...but must say man, his fighting spirit to get back to his life his wife his money is praiseworthy...
Contrast to Arnav who can fight alone too for his love, his Khushi...Dhaar...Love it...

The scene which might seem insignificant yet holds power in my eyes is Garima and Buaji.Garima is the woman who holds the torch of motherhood so high without a doubt regardless she didn't give birth to either of her daughters.She brought up these two with all the love she holds and no doubt Arnav will bow down to Khushi later as her mother has taught her so well.Payal and Khushi's eyes hold Garima as their amma no matter what.Same goes to them, they are not sisters but they have a strong bond no one else holds.Khuhsi's saying came true and they found two brothers and now they are sister in laws.
Buaji loves Payal as she is Shashi's daughter yet I always wonder why she never could have such a bond with Akash as she has with Arnav... CV is weak here.Same goes with Garima...aap humain kiss naam se bulat hain uss se humara rishta to nahin badal jata..She meant it and he got it.There was always an unseen respect and regard in between Arnav and Garima...Arnav became more of a son rather than son in law.
I analyze this with another angle, maybe Payal is weak and she doesn't hold the power to make others respect her and her loved ones, don't take me wrong just think.As compared to Payal, Khushi is a lioness in such cases, aap ne halwai kaha uska kya...
or even way before in episode 27 aapke ghar walon ko takleef na ho humarey ghar walon ka kya...she beat the crap out of him as her sister was worried about her and crying.Oh, he got the message clear and very much clear
that day.Never mess with this damsel..she is tiny but nope.Don't go further.

Now I understand why did Garima slap Khushi. She saw Dadi and got it that her daughter is in love with the man who is the son of Malik...the man who was not loyal to his own wife, but Dadi thinks of Garima the responsible for all the mess.Now Khushi has spent six months and came home declaring love for him, if anything happened or Dadi stops and breaks all the ties her daughter's character will be a question, the question of her own character will double the intensity of this matter.There will be no place for them to hide from this stigma...
I must say the same goes to Anji, she is afraid of this stigma too, our society is brilliant for putting their nose into other people's business.During Godh bharai, women were asking about Shyam...He is chanchal, since when, I found him annoying not chanchal...ladies, you need glasses for that cheap.
Finally Garima is in RM to face her fears, Dadi.I must say, the horror some humans create around them is something, I can write a thesis on it.Garima requests to meet Dadi and Mamiji leads them towards her. She tries many times but in vain and each time Garima take a breath of relief...

Khushi enters yet her eyes were looking for her rajkumar who was assending but stops feeling her presence.NK gets stunned and asks how did he know...but instead Khushi answers "bas pata chal jata hai...'

hey hey hey...their tune is coming back after days...but their eyes refuse to let go off each other.The intensity and the desire are reaching new heights now, she lowers her eyes, yes her nose is red, her cheeks are red.

ASR knows his girl and how to bring her back to her sanki state...I remember payesh mehndi... after his lovely and deadly hi, he touched her, grabbed her hand and then handed her the earing...making her speechless, breathless, panting like heck and then tells her don't you dare think that you won this challenge...
here is no difference.

her nose, cheek, earing, he makes her remember all but she is Khushi...she didn't remember all instead she asks Payal am I looking ok...silly girl you are killing him with your looks...damn it...
Nk didn't find the answer of his Question that how did you know but he found Arnav happy and enjoying over Khushi's expense...

Arnav calls her back and she says the same without realizing that what he was trying to remind her...
She thinks he was making fun at her and he says you still have one thing on your face..
Your little red nose...
She gets annoyed and gives Phone to Buaji...who does hum hi dodo with NK...
Akash's expressions are priceless...

but must say NK's words again
hum horror movie dekhaingey..
yeap this mehndi ritual is getting ready to mark one for them...
Dadi and her stubborn ranting..Bringing Shyam back...She even asked Devi Maiya...really if a human knows what is store for him/her will never seek such things from almighty.
Arnav hears it and the man declares
"He will never come to this house Daadi.."

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