Episode 272-273
A Fighter
A blind faith is a powerful eye and sometimes we as human don't realize the strength of it until testing time. A man in a blindfold with hands roped tests his surroundings and kicks things around just to make his way.A calculated mind of ASR has so much presence even Rocky couldn't resist saying he is not a simple man.He is tedha...he is crazy and full of energy, never gets tired, never sit idol, never accepts failure, he knows only one thing, HOW TO WIN...
Undying spirit can't let anyone put the hand on him till they make him unconscious.Cowards. Shyam felt the presence of Khushi after all his men told him the fighter in her is not going to stop so move ASR from here. Yes, the fighter in her never rests, even Mamiji tells her to stop after seeing her Arnavji taken by ruthless men.There was something caught my eye. His hands might be roped but his blindfold of all doubts was out and it fell on its own not by anyone.Brilliant message and he indeed never doubted Khushi after this.His all MUs were clear and love, care,possessiveness was all he had for his Khushi.
No Question...
Their feeling to sense each other had them halted for moments and she knew he was here in deep trouble and he knew she was here but he his heart wanted her safe
Khushi's move to run after him calling his name putting aside Mamiji's hand was another one that whatever happens later her heart always believes that her Arnavji will make all right for all and it stays same regardless he creates this rift by telling her about the contract because he can't see her leaving him at all. A beautiful Rabba Ve sings in after days, Heart knows as always how to beat and when to beat and for whom... In this melancholic state of mind, she cries and does what he does when he is in pain, watering plants.wow! Yes, new buds supposed to be watered to get roses...Seeing her state Anjali, Nani, and Payal try to bring her at peace but was that ever possible?
No a fighter in her always seeks a solace in Devi Maiya, a testing time and she fought with her mother when Arnaji married her forcefully and today she comes back to her mother thinking because she had a fight with her mother and that punishment has been given to Arnavji.She thinks it is not fair.Give me my punishemnet as I deserve it not Arnavji.How innocent and sweet she looks when she says, that see because of him I left you but because of him I am back to you so be fair and leave him alone. This is a true and selfless face of Khushi who melted ASR all along and she got what she needed, Her mother Devi Maiya's strength with her again.That red piece of blessings is what will show her where to look and find him. ASR reached to den, unconscious but his mind is at war , fighting constantly.He gets up and calculates his moves, pretends and makes his first punch right where it supposed to be.On Shyam's face
He never leaves him till all make him again blindfolded but I must say, I hated that scene when he was thrown over Shyam's feet.Hate that.He is unconscious but his fighter spirit is always there.
Yes, but Khushi knows Shyam is the one because Arnav's blood is in his shoes.Devi Maiya is with her child.A fighter is back. Can't leave without appreciating Shyam.He was revealed and I must say, he is a great villain out there.He truly made us hate him.Hats off.
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